A State-of-the-art Repair Facility...

Our 27' downdraft spray booth allows us to paint in a bright, dust-free environment to ensure that the high gloss finish on your vehicle is as clean as possible. spray boothThis high efficiency booth pulls fresh filtered air down through the ceiling, around your car, and out through the floor through another set of filters which are designed to catch solid material overspray.


We realize that in addition to a high quality repair in a timely fashion, you also care about making a positive, lasting impact on your environment.

Excel Collision has taken some large steps toward improving the quality of the air in our community and reducing wasted materials. In addition to our high efficiency paint booth, we are proud to say that we have made a permanent switch to waterborne paint , which is thinned withclean water instead of harmful solvents. This completely new paint system allows us to put liquid materials onto your car with less waste and without spraying unnecessary chemicals into the air. You get a high performance finish on your car without the high cost to the environment.

Lowering our production of Volitile Organic Compounds (VOCs) translates into healthier air for you and your family.